Truck Sheep

Schedule for Truck Sheep

All times are listed in the following timezone:

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

11:00 am (CDT) 11:45 am
11:00 - 11:45 am (CDT)

End to End Accessibility Testing

Track: Truck Sheep
General Lecture Session
Tim Wright

Who is this session for?

Engineers and product owners

12:00 pm (CDT) 12:45 pm
12:00 - 12:45 pm (CDT)

The Future of WordPress

Track: Truck Sheep
General Lecture Session
Francesca Marano

Who is this session for?

University IT Department and Developers

1:00 pm (CDT) 1:30 pm
1:00 - 1:30 pm (CDT)

How to Easily Manage Multiple WordPress Sites

Track: Truck Sheep
Sponsor Demonstration
Jessica Orozco
Yuriy Babenko
1:30 pm (CDT) 2:00 pm
3:00 pm (CDT) 3:45 pm
3:00 - 3:45 pm (CDT)

The new Mobile Site and Native App Accessibility Testing Guidelines

Track: Truck Sheep
General Lecture Session
Gian Wild

Who is this session for?

Accessibility people

4:00 pm (CDT) 4:45 pm
4:00 - 4:45 pm (CDT)

The Five Ws of Decoupled Websites

Track: Truck Sheep
General Lecture Session
Steve Persch
Rachel Cherry

Who is this session for?

This presentation will be most beneficial to developers and tech leads considering decoupled architectures

Thursday, July 30, 2020

11:00 am (CDT) 11:45 am
11:00 - 11:45 am (CDT)

The Evolving Role of the WordPress Administrator

Track: Truck Sheep
General Lecture Session
Cliff Seal

Who is this session for?

WordPress administrators (i.e. anyone responsible for rolling out updates to core or themes/plugins to end users)

12:00 pm (CDT) 12:45 pm
12:00 - 12:45 pm (CDT)

Writing for Atomic Design: How to Create Content in a Pattern Library

Track: Truck Sheep
General Lecture Session
Rachel DeLauder

Who is this session for?

Content designers, web team managers, content owners/subject matter experts

1:00 pm (CDT) 1:30 pm
1:00 - 1:30 pm (CDT)

Collaboration: There Must Be a Better Way

Track: Truck Sheep
Sponsor Demonstration
John Richards II
John Sepassi
2:00 pm (CDT) 2:45 pm
2:00 - 2:45 pm (CDT)

Practical Ethics for the Modern Web Designer

Track: Truck Sheep
General Lecture Session
Morten Rand-Hendriksen

Who is this session for?

This is for everyone

3:00 pm (CDT) 3:45 pm
3:00 - 3:45 pm (CDT)

Digging Into Privacy

Track: Truck Sheep
General Lecture Session
Ronnie Burt

Who is this session for?

Anyone interested in privacy, but especially site managers, developers, and those that choose plugins or build sites.

4:00 pm (CDT) 4:45 pm
4:00 - 4:45 pm (CDT)

Be an Accessibility Anti-Hero

Track: Truck Sheep
General Lecture Session
Donna Bungard

Who is this session for?

This session is geared towards both marketing teams and PMs who are faced with the challenge of justifying the budget for accessibility initiatives.

All times are listed in the following timezone:
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